Friday, June 30, 2017

Changes for Summer Posts!

Those of you who have read my previous posts will know that I am going to be spending 7 weeks of this summer English-free at the Middlebury language schools. Since this is not a bilingual blog, that means I will not be posting for those seven weeks. I have some pre-written content for you, but there will also be bonus content posted by my lovely girlfriend Annie, who is stepping in for me while I am gone. I will not be able to answer email or comments on my text, because I am going what they call radio silent for the next 7 weeks. However feel free to still leave comments and messages on the blog and Annie will either respond to them, or leave them to me for when I get back. I hope you enjoy the 7 posts that I have scheduled for you, as I did indeed enjoy writing them. Play nice with each other, and I will see you in August!*


*As a matter of fact, this is a blog post and so I will not see you and you will not see me while I am shouting out into the void via these websites, but I trust that you know what I mean in this instance via the implicature involved. kthxbye.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Issues with What We Want

In the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore years at Brandeis I took an online Playwriting Course through the Brandeis summer school. I had never even attempted to write a play before, so this was a challenge, but a thing that I enjoyed. We progressed through the course writing scenes and then finally finished with a 10-minute play. Mine was called What We Want and it is about a girl who was (mostly) raised by her mother and step-father, and eventually goes to confront her biological father. I am not going to give the entire plot away, because while I would like to think no one would steal my ideas, this is the internet. Also, if I ever publish this story I would like it to actually sell at some point and that cannot happen if the whole thing is given away for free on the internet. It was a cute little play, at least I think so, and I do hope that I get to share it with the world ― following serious editing of course.

I first got the idea to rewrite the play as a prose story from one of my professors. He suggested this as a creative exercise, and to use as a prompt for the fiction writing in his class. At the time I was hesitant, because I liked the play as a play, and felt overwhelmed at the idea of changing something I loved dearly. This was Spring 2016, and shortly after I got concussed and forgot all about writing for a time. Now that I have remembered however, one thing has become very clear.

this play does not want to be a frickin' story. 

I spent a summer semester working on this play, and a few months post-submission I was still writing it. I'll be honest, once my software expired I let it fall to the wayside. But now when I look at it, the story feels like my baby again, and I don't want to hurt it by forcing it into a new medium. I've made some progress, but with all that has been going on this summer I dropped the ball a bit, and now that I am heading to Middlebury at the end of this week it's a bit too late to work on a project that is being written in English. I'm going to try again once the program is over during my nonexistent free time. For now, I just have to shrug and say hey, I've written worse.


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Why Sor Juana?

One thing I've been struggling with in composing my translations is balancing the tone of the text, because Sor Juana is a poet from the 17th century and her works both reflect that and yet have many undertones that are absolutely relevant to the modern day, and so my issue (or one of them at least) is how much of the modern I should play up, and how much I should stay faithful to the time and place in which Sor Juana wrote. I honestly don't know where to draw the lines between a translation, an adaptation, and a piece that is so far from the original that it is really only a basic influence.

You may ask why  I chose a 17th century poet, and to be honest, it was a happy accident. I was taking a Latin American Literature course (which I actually ended up dropping due to conflicts. Class schedules are a dificult thing after all). Nevertheless, before I dropped the class I stuck to the schedule, where we read a sample from a different author every few days. One of those authors was Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. That same week, we started our practical portion of my Literary Translation course, and so I decided to translate her works on a whim at the time.

It is said that translation is the most intimate form of reading, and I find that to be very true in my case. Once I started translating Sor Juana, I fell in love with her in a way. If this were a purely motivational blog I would say something like "And the rest is history."

But isn't the case here.

Life goes on and sometimes I wonder, about a lot of things really, but I admit that sometimes I wonder if it is worth it all. I wonder if what I do will matter and then of course my thoughts wander towards oblivion and the inevitable heat-death of the universe, so I have to scale things back and think about what mattering means to me. And when I consider that I realize that what I want most is to be happy and bring happiness to others. If I can do that, if my life can make other lives better, then I want to do so. And that is why I want to translate Sor Juana, because I find that with her I am happier, and I want to share that with others.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Bread Loaf 2017 Part III: Evaluations

I have made a couple posts about the emotional and professional impact that Bread Loaf 2017 has had on me, but I also realize that I have missed out on describing the event in detail. I welcome you to now peruse the responses I put on the official evaluation form last week.

What did you like about the workshop?

I liked that the workshop had a mix of different genres. While I workshopped poetry for this workshop, the fact that other people translated prose had an impact on me, because I can take that back when I translate my own prose. And yet there is more to it than that. I think the fact that we had a mixed genre gave us different views about to approach our translations, and while I say it has been helpful for me, I hope that it was also helpful for others. The group was accepting and warm, but also one that could give meaningful feedback that was carefully construed. The fact that we were a mix of languages too helped us immensely. As a firm believer in the idea that languages teach you how to think in diverse ways, it was a joy to work with people who all had such different thoughts in their heads.

What about the workshop might have been better?

I would have liked to have more time with the people in my workshop. I feel that it is a talented group of people to work with, and yet we had so little time with one another we didn't quite get into the swing of things where we were comfortable enough to express ourselves in a way that I think caused a disadvantage towards the others. I think we could also benefit from something that another workshop group in Orion that I heard about where everyone had to read and comment a minimum of one sentence about each member's piece so that we could be on common ground. Another thing that my workshop and I talked about is the idea of everyone writing an accompaniment to our pieces describing what the touchstones are and what we think about our works and our writers.
  • ways for us to articulate what the traction was for the piece
  • explain what the project means to the translator, and to the literary world.
  • what we are hoping to discuss about the piece
  • what we know we don't know.

Which lectures did you attend, and where they useful?

Unfortunately, I was ill for a portion of the conference and the only lecture I attended was Idra Novey's "Writing While Translating." I thought that this lecture was fantastic. After having gone to this lecture I gained a much better sense of self and sense of comfort in the idea that I am both a writer and a translator. Her advice also about switching genres and going from translation to our own work has allowed me to conceptualize the fact that I don't need to compartmentalize the different sides of myself.

Which classes/talks/panels did you attend, and were they useful?

I attended the panel "On Publishing Literary Translation" with Elaina Ellis, Tynan Kogane, Fiona McCrae, and Michael Z. Wise which I thought gave a great deal of useful advice for the publication of books in translation, but I feel left a gap in terms of what journal publishing is like, which Idra stressed to us as also being equally if not more important.

Contrastively I loved the talk "Contracts and Copyright." with Chad W. Post because I feel that it filled in many of the gaps left by the panel, and the systematic way that he broke everything down for us was both instructive and insightful, and he took to heart what the audience had to say and what they wanted to know, which is the same case with the panel, however that was a little less organized since they thought they would have a moderator and without one everyone in the room was caught a bit off-guard I think, which set the tone a bit lower than it otherwise might have been.

The class I went to, "Translation Heresies" was excellent for many reasons, but mostly because Christopher Merrill has such a vibrant presence it would be hard not to enjoy a class put on by him. The way that he talked about translating languages one does not know was fascinating, and has inspired me to try the same in the future once I have a more stable career and a project that I am truly engaged in.

What did you think of the Bread Loafer Readings?

I absolutely adored these readings. Hearing so many voices, from the translators' conference and Orion both together was an amazing experience because these fields may seem distant, but when 18 people each go up and share what they have to say it both brings in a focus and tells us all that we are much more similar than we might think. I did a reading, and while I do have some experience with public speaking I still found myself shaking and suffering from imposter syndrome something fierce because how could I compare to the amazing things other people have done and said? But after I spoke and the readings that day were done I had people tell me that they liked the job I had done with my translation and poem and throughout the days after people were talking about my work, each time reassuring me that I had a place in this community.

How were your editor meetings?

My editor meetings were excellent! I had an individual meeting with Michael Z. Wise, and while I am early on in my project he gave me a great deal of advice as to how to advance my work on Sor Juana beyond just writing my thesis and how I can build myself up as someone just now starting in the field, and overall, he was very helpful, being that he not only had knowledge but was also supportive and friendly.

My group meeting was with Chad W. Post and he went into much more detail than at the talk (previously discussed above) telling us about his work and how our work can be built up. He showed interest in everyone's projects and in helping us move forward with them, taking time to speak with all of us equally and with sharp ideas.

Please comment on the special programing, such as the bird walks, music night, and Frost picnic.

I did not go to any of these events, because I slept in most days until breakfast, went to bed early the night we had music and since the rescheduled Frost Picnic occurred during one of my editor meetings I did not go.

What did you think about the food, dining room, and kitchen?

Everything about them was fabulous. The food was not only superb, but their willingness to work with dietary restrictions was unparalleled when compared to eating anywhere but my own home, and the cooking was far above my skill level. The staff and chefs were all kind and helpful, and truly delightful people all-around. The dining room was spotless, despite all the people who were there and the kitchen was very sanitary. I thought overall it was the best I have eaten in a while. I also appreciate the ready availability of water and other beverages.

Did the Wi-Fi work for you? If not, what problems did you encounter?

Yes, however as a college student I was using eduroam, as opposed to what the rest of the conference was working with.

Where did you stay, and how were your accommodations?

I stayed in the inn itself, and it was a very convenient and comfortable location, especially since it rained many times and I didn't need to get caught in it to get breakfast. The room was consistently a comfortable temperature, the sheets were clean, blankets and towels were soft, I had no complaints. I additionally found that the key codes on the doors were genius because it meant that if I remembered the numbers I never needed to worry about locking myself out.

Please comment on the stock in the Bread Loaf bookstore. Did you find what you needed? Are there items you would suggest adding?

I only went once, and if was a quick browse. The stock was interesting, but I had very little money so I didn't buy anything but a snicker's bar.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the shared campus. What was your experience like sharing the campus with BL Orion?

I loved the shared campus atmosphere. The back and forth between the two conferences as we explored our similarities and our differences was excellent because the slightly shifted perspective allowed us all to learn from one another.

How was the communication leading up to the conference? Do you have any comments for us on the handbook, editor sign-up, and manuscript packet mailings?

I thought that it all covered things well, apart from the fact that we did not get as detailed instructions about what to present with our works and what the works of others would be like since it was not necessarily standardized. As a tiny detail, I think that when the manuscripts are all complied into one PDF there should be an over-arching set of page numbers beyond the individual pieces to make it easier to get on the same page when discussing a work.

How did you hear about the Bread Loaf Translators' Conference (if you could include some detail here, that would be great)?

I heard about Bread Loaf via a notice in the Comparative Literature and Culture Listserv at Brandeis University. Since I am the Undergraduate Departmental Representative for the program I pay a great deal of attention to everything that gets sent out.

Please list any translation and/or writing groups or organizations in the U.S. or abroad that you belong to or recommend that we get in touch with to help spread the word about the conference.

I am not participating in any other translation writing groups or organizations, it is however my focus of interest at Brandeis University towards both my BA and MA degrees.

What social media do you use most often?

It is a split between Tumblr, blogger, LinkedIn and Facebook. My personal blog is hosted on both Tumblr and blogger. Meanwhile I also use Facebook and LinkedIn regularly, and Instagram and twitter a little less so. I have a snapchat, but I almost never use it.

Would you recommend the conference to a friend?

Yes! I think anyone with an interest in translation would love this conference.

Please take a moment to add any additional comments or suggestions?

There are a few things I would like to suggest for the future:
  1. more people who work with Asian languages, as well as more people who work with indigenous languages to widen the discussion of translation between differing languages and cultures beyond the western world. There were a fair few at this conference, however not as many as those who worked with French or Spanish (including myself). The amount of people working with Spanish outnumbered Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Czech, Danish, Galician, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Russian, Urdu and Yiddish combined. Note that some of those people were in both that language and Spanish, but I am trying to prove a point here. Not that I want you to stop admitting people for Spanish, because that's my language, but I'm just putting it out there.
  2. Have people who are editors for journals just as represented and advertised as those for book publishing, as well as similar events.
  3. A bigger window for breakfast, at least in terms of continental bagels or cereal.
  4. Less exclusively late-night events. Some people must retire earlier than others, especially those with medical issues.
  5. An informal yet scheduled time for peer workshopping, possibly by language and cross-workshops.
  6. It seems short to only have 4 days of workshop to get to know and share with the group, so a longer time frame for the conference would be advantageous.
  7. Some light classes or talks about translation theory for those in manuscript workshops who are doing less theoretical work as compared to the introductory workshops.
  8. Discussions of how to choose a good writer and how to identify a project worth publishing. 

So there you have it, my full evaluation of Bread Loaf. I hope that you enjoyed my critique of this awesome place. 


Friday, June 16, 2017


If there is one thing I love, it's talking to someone about a story. Not even my own story, but just being a sounding board. There's something about the creativity of others that I just find so fun and interesting. I have a deep affection for my friends, and my writing friends (Shout out to Emily at who is awesome!) who inspire me with their own stories and help me shape mine.

Last semester for our final assignment in Classical Mythology we were tasked with making a creative project. There were a few different options, depending on whether you wanted your project to be written, spoken, or performed. I went for the writing prompt of course, because I'm all about the writing. Would I have a blog otherwise? However one thing stuck out to me. The professor had made notes on the differences between what projects did what, and under this assignment he noted that this was the best assignment for people who wished to work alone. Since the other assignments were much more outwardly collaborative this did make sense, but I still balked at the insinuation that writing was not a collaborative effort. Now I know that isn't what he was saying, but it was the first implication that I grasped.

I don't think I could have written any of my larger pieces without collaborative effort. In fact, I'm pretty sure that at least one other person looked over every assignment I turned in last semester (tests and other assignments where this was prohibited aside) to check for spelling errors if nothing else. And yet, beyond spelling errors, there are a great many things to be gained by sharing your work with others. A second gaze can help you know when to clarify, when to pull back, and when to elaborate. Critiquing is one of the best things you can have someone do to a piece, and while it takes a good amount of trust at times, it is also a worthwhile relationship to have with others.

Now I don't claim to have a second reader for everything I've ever written and posted; for instance the majority of posts for this blog go straight from my computer to the servers, without crossing any eyes but mine. I do revise them, but the majority of the time that is a solitary venture.

That said, when working on major works, writing collaboratively is one of the best things a person can do. I mean hey, someone looked at this before I posted it.


P.S. A friend I made at MISTI-Con, Ketherine Forrister, is in a contest for her latest scifi novel, and she has a really good chance of winning in the top 3! If you're able to, she would really really appreciate it if you could pre-order a copy. The books with the most pre-orders from separate people win the contest and will be published! She's worked really hard on this novel and would love to see it in bookstores.

Here's the link to her inkshares page:

An ebook is only $10, or a paperback + ebook combo is $20. If she doesn't get the amount of pre-orders she needs to be published, your payment will automatically be refunded by inkshares. It is a reputable publishing company that has been around for years. The deadline is June 25th.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Bread Loaf 2017 Part II

I meant to have this post out last Friday, but since I spent most of Friday morning in a car, and my posts now come out at noon, that seemed a little impractical. And I didn't want to rush this. Last Friday was the last day of the Bread Loaf Translators' Conference. Even so, I wrote the beginning of this post on Thursday night, which was the last full day of the conference.

As I wrote the original beginning of this post, I sat in the Barn, which has been the main social location for the conference. True, I probably should've been socializing instead of writing, but as far as things typical to my life go, I have much more experience with the latter than the former, but I try to overcome that tendency

Socializing went reasonably well, and when the time came to have dinner I wasn't exactly sure what I could eat, so I sat down with a glass of wine and my notebook until I found some people to sit with. That said, you don't want a blow by blow, so I'll just say we had peanut butter chocolate pie and it was good.

The dinner was a bit fancier than our others, what with the wine and all, but as our last one together it was nice. We've built a great community here at Bread Loaf, and I feel greatly connected to all the friends I have made, and thanks to social media it seems I'll even be able to stay connected.

From Bread Loaf I have gotten more than just book recommendations and publishing tips, I've made friendships and gotten life advice and generally have had a grand old time. This was a great learning experience for me, and I'm so glad that I made such meaningful connections.

I've learned what it means to have found my narrative twin, learned more about my work, seen the great work of others, and heard beautiful poetry and prose that has made me understand that there is suffering, but also beauty in the world and I truly feel that together we can make a change. But this blog isn’t a soap box, and I don't want to get too emotional, so here are the top 5 things I have learned and had reinforced over the course of this conference.

1. Understand the emotional heartbeat of your piece
2. Translate the author that is right for you
3. Create a dialogue between translator/author/work
4. Tell the stories you want told
5. Translate for the love of translating

As two bonus economical tips, 1. make sure you know who has the rights to your piece and 2. don't sign a work-for-hire contract. I've gotten much more out of this conference than I could put in a single post, but I don't want this to go too long. Thanks to everyone who was at the conference who made it such a great atmosphere, and thanks especially to my workshop leader Idra Novey for guiding us all so well!


P.S. It rained for most of the conference, but we had a couple days where we workshopped in the sun when it finally came out!

A post shared by Talia Fluff (@taliafluff) on

Friday, June 9, 2017

Recommended Reads!

Today is the last day of the Bread Loaf Translators' Conference, and I was going to write about that, but I want to have time to full compose my thoughts on it. In lieu of that, please enjoy this post of book recommendations!

Every job I've done has had to do with books. Whether it was processing ILL, doing inventory, working at a Harry Potter themed summer camp, shelf reading, tutoring, planning a poetry workshop, it all came down to books. Of all my jobs, my favorite is probably the book reviews. In my senior year of high school I started a book review blog for my local library, which sadly never got picked up after I graduated and stopped working there. That said, I had fun while working on it, and even after I stopped, I have continued to make small remarks on books I have read in my reading journal. Not every book I read gets an entry. Unfortunately I lost it about 15 books ago, and to back fill it out is difficult. That said, I have gone over the books I have read in the past year, and now present five snippets from my reading journal (note: not all of these have been released in the last year, it's just when I got around to reading them, some have been on my list for a while).

A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami (1982) translated by Alfred Birmbaum (1989)
Pretty much nothing in this book made sense to me and I love it. Somehow I still followed even though no characters have names, everything they say is enigmatic, impossible and downright nonsensical I'm chill with it because it all fits and in fact did make sense after I read through it again. A fantastic story that I can't properly explain because it's just a wild trip you have to take for yourself. (I haven’t read the sequel/prequel, so no spoilers please!)

Can't and Won't by Lydia Davis (2014)
These stories were all super fascinating! The varying length was catching, and I thought the book was aesthetically put together quite well. 

Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood (2014)
Not enough good things to say. Each story just popped in the most excellent of ways, like a dagger to the heart (but in a good way without the pain and death).

Swing Time by Zadie Smith (2016)
I absolutely devoured this book. The juxtaposition of the main character and her old friend Tracey is extremely well defined, and the non-linear nature of the story, while confusing at first, was really the only way it could have been written. It's a book that upon completion I scanned through my mental list of people to lend it to immediately upon finishing. 

Ways to Disappear by Idra Novey (2016)
It's no secret to anyone who knows me or has read this blog that I'm in love with translation. This book is one of my favorites that I have read in a long time, and a lot of that is due to the way that translation was woven into the theme of this book without overwhelming the plot or using convoluted means to do so. The main character, while not entirely sympathetic, is the kind of character where I like her because of her faults, rather than despite them. I highly recommend.

These are but a few of the books that I have read and recommend; expect future posts like this as I find book recommendations quite fun. 


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Bread Loaf 2017 Part I

Hi All! This week I am at the Bread Loaf Translators' Conference, and it has been great so far. The workshops have been quite fruitful, as there is so much talent among the people I have worked with, and as is the nature of workshops I have learned as much from working with others on their texts as I have when getting feedback on my own work. Seeing the scope of approaches that others take has been an eye opener for me.

As an additional bonus that we have in the translators' conference is that the Bread Loaf Orion Conference is being held co-currently, and so we are getting to hear from other people in an adjacent field. There are Bread Loafer readings every few days, and they are great because we are getting to hear from not only people reading translations, but the original works of people from the Orion conference. I myself read one of my poems at a reading yesterday.

I admit that I was scared to go up to that podium. Not so much because of the public speaking, which I've had some experience with, so the nerves weren't too bad on that front. No, my issue was with what I was saying. My translations of Sor Juana's work are like my babies. I've put a strong effort into every one of them, and I'm proud of how far they have come. That said, a workshop is a workshop and 90% of the time that one gets workshopped they end up wanting to spend the next few hours gutting everything. A translation workshop is a bit different than an original writing workshop, because I can't gut a translation like I can gut a short story that has an over-extended peanut metaphor. So seeing as how I finished getting workshopped at 12:30, immediately went to lunch and then attended a lecture, I actually only had an hour and a half.

I think I made it work. This certainly isn't the best I have ever done, but I'm proud of myself for having done so. In fact, as I had a little extra time left, once I finished reading the translation I read a short original poem that I wrote for a workshop a few years ago. I won't share it here, because I hope to have it published in a poem collection someday. If it ever is, I'll update this post with a link. 😘


Friday, June 2, 2017

On Poetry and Translation

I think that poetry is a beautiful and important part of our history. Poetry allows us to express our thoughts and feelings in a therapeutic and elegant way. Poetry is important because it presents a way for people to connect with one another in with deeper expression than with prose. For me, the most important part of the poem is the flow. The form of expression can be just as important as the content when considering a poem whether you are writing it yourself or it is a work of translation. The form should match the content, because the tonality of the work can be utterly changed with format.

Take for example, the Irish folk  song Green Fields of France. I am a firm believer that music is a vivid form of poetry, and this song is no exception. There are many versions, but my two favorites are both by The High Kings. In one, the song has a slow and graceful melody, that makes it a quite beautiful and meaningful song. The other version is no less meaningful, but has an upbeat tempo that makes the song bigger and more enthusiastic. Both takes on the poetry of this song are quite lovely, but the first time I heard them I didn’t even realize they were the same song until I examined the lyrics.

From this we can understand that tone and flow are some of the most important parts of a poem, and yet they are also malleable, depending on who composes the piece. Everyone writes poetry differently because poetry is a reflection. For some that means a reflection of the self, or of an experience, or of knowledge that the poet is comfortable with. My poetry contains my thoughts and hopes and dreams, and I make my own mark with everything I write.

Here is when I fully turn to translation, that delicate art. Aside from authors and poets who translate their own works, the translator is taking up someone else's voice, and changing it into another tongue. The translation is a different entity from the original, because it requires a leap of faith towards oneself and one's abilities to reimagine the work in a new context. In his essay An Act of Imagination Philip Boehm notes that "what allows us to summon a new creation from the original and give it a life of its own is our empathetic imagination."* So when I translate a poem, I am not only shaping the words through varying amounts of linguistic prowess, but also putting myself and my imagined consciousness into the poem.

That said, every time I look at a poem that I have translated, or even more so poems I have written myself, there is always something I want to change. The poem is always forming itself, even as I go back to it again and again. During my independent study last semester I was hesitant to share my poems with the professor because I never felt like what I had done was enough, and I was revising right up until hours before my selected poems were due. Maybe I was overdoing it a wee bit, but honestly, I don't feel like I was.

Tomorrow I head off to Middlebury's 3rd Annual Bread Loaf Translators' conference, and I couldn't be more excited. In preparation for my workshop I have been reading through The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Language in Translation as was directed by my workshop leader, Idra Novey. We only had to read part I, but I read all four because I'm a nerd and translation is my passion. Also because I read ahead whenever possible, and sometimes even when it shouldn't be. I already quoted one of the essays, but let me quote another. In Pierre Joris' A More Complex Occasion he speaks quite a bit about poetry and translation, and one quote speaks out to me:
[W]hat many years of practicing (and thinking about) poetry and translation have lead me to is a sense that the often-stated difference in nature between the supposedly pure and unalterable 'original' poem and an always secondary 'impure' poem is much exaggerated. […] A poem is […] a variable thing: the poet's hand-written poem is not the 'same' poem when first published in a magazine, which in turn is ever slightly different when published in a volume, then a selected collection, and later in a posthumous collected volume. The poet's public readings of the poem, its being set to music by a composer, its translation into one or ten or however many languages ― all these events do change a poem, enriching it, making it into a more complex occasion.
 If we acknowledge the poem to be such a mutable complex of occasions, then nothing is more translatable, nothing demands multiple translations more than a poem ― and nothing enriches the poem more than being translated.⁰
I realize that is a very long quote, so I'm going to stop this post here, giving you just a little food for thought.


*Boehm, Philip. "An Act of Imagination." In The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Language in Translation, 27. Washington DC: National Endowment for the Arts, 2014.

⁰Joris, Pierre. "A More Complex Occasion." In The Art of Empathy: Celebrating Language in Translation, 68-69. Washington DC: National Endowment for the Arts, 2014.

Slower version: Green Fields of France

Fast-paced version: The Green Fields Of France